Losing it is GOOD!
The past one month I have been feeling very perky most of the time, with a busy schedule, I feel that I have a bundle of energy within! And the best part is my PT told me recently, 'You've lost some weight!' :D Affirmation! What's my secret? two key ingredients here and I'd like to share with you:
1. Diet
2. Exercise
The Diet part - I gradually switched to a vegan diet and been sticking with it for a health and spiritual reason. In Malaysia, when you say you're a vegan, people will assume that your diet includes intakes of artificial soy meat, which is made up mostly of refined flour or soy. I tell you: NO. I didn't substitute my meat cravings for artificial ones, My intake is mainly, vegetables, eggs, milk and the occasional soy products like tofu, fu chook, etc.
I always believed that if you say you're a vegan, then stick to that, eating vegetables, salads, cooked or raw and juicing fruits. My house mate has be diligently juicing his concoctions of a juice drink every morning and evening or late nights. His results was evident, in the span of 2 weeks, he lost most of his gut, he commented that whenever he ties his shoelaces for work, he could feel his bloated gut got in the way, now; he could feel at ease. With this juicing and careful eating, He's lost about five kilograms. Myself? I believe I've lost about 5 kilos as well, and some muscle mass coz probably I 'm not taking as much as protein source I should be to maintain the mass...
2. Exercise. Some of my friends whom I have not met for a long time asked: What kind of medication or supplement are you taking for this weight loss? I just smiled: No pills, no yoyo dieting... Just eating right and exercise! Yes exercise is important. It's not about going to the gym and getting intimidated or motivated by lads and gals with really nice physiques, It's all about YOU.. Yourself. Yes... you just have to look nowhere but focus on yourself. Going to the gym meant working out or exercising your body. If you feel uncomfortable, Nature can be your gym. Get a good pair of running shoes and just hit the park, run, brisk walk, jog, do whatever that make you perspire and make your heart pump faster...
2 things that makes you lose weight. The right way of eating and the stuff you put inside and exercise. You just have to do it and focus...