090909 - I kena burned!

My car had an accident last wednesday... the day that was 09-09-09... Somehow, when I woke up that morning, I had a bad premonition. Decided to do some calculation during the evening and this is what I found:

The heavenly stem and earth branch day was DING SI (Fire/ Snake), I was born in the year of REN ZI (Water/ Rat) The hour was snake too. I was driving my Xiao Hong (Red). The fire element was strong and it sort of clashed with my birth chart element. . . This was something that was unavoidable and I was fortunate to come out of this without getting hurt. I could have been involved in a very serious accident and I could have been injured, I was very lucky...

Well, he's in the work shop now and I'm using another car... thanks to MommaMerv... 


Booker said…

Thank goodness you came out of it unscathed. As you said, if it was meant to happen, it WILL happen. Good thing you're ok.

Take care!

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