A change....

My business is slowly picking up... but at the same time, discovered my dad has hepatoma... (liver cancer)... at which stage, it's early but the chances are of recovering is slim... he is a Hep B carrier, so his liver is weak and is a cirrhotic liver. A lot of changes happened recently. Due to this, I get up earlier to see my dad for breakfast, spend as much time as I can, at the same time manage 2 business...

I ain't complaining... I know it's tiring and it will burn me one day, but I try to sort my time so I can have time for everything...

Can I adapt to this change? Hmm I hope so.

A short post tonight.. as I feel I have a lot of things to oversee and do and I hope I'm not too late... my apologies to my readers... for a long hiatus...

Will update more this weekend...


SC said…
Sorry to hear about your dad..do take care, and its good you are spending time with him
[danial][ma] said…
hej! Merv...hope you be strong and may your dad will be ok...
Lynn said…
my prayers to your dad and your family... I know you are strong... be patient and be persistent. It's just a hurdle you will pass through. Take it as a challenge. You'll make it !

om mani padme hom....
Booker said…
So sorry about your dad Merv, be strong and take care.
Mervin Lee said…
Thanks ladies and gent,

Thanks for your prayers, well wishes and support... :)

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