Love Unreturned.....
I know the feeling of loving someone deeply, madly, truly but the love is not returned in kind. My 'god' brother, Christopher has yet again, stumbled into a situation where his love for another is not meant to be, and because of the sorrow and suffering he's enduring now, I feel sometimes helpless as I know that for him to learn and rise again is for him to go through this very painful experience again.
His constant ramblings about rejection has inspired me to write this, I believe, all of us, have this everlasting happiness and love. This love is unconditional, pure, perfect and boundless! It's like God's love to you. No matter what happens to you, His Love is forever there, always ready and waiting. Do you know that you have this unconditional pure love? I call it Compassion. It's the Genuine Compassion that I have, similar to the kind of love a Mother would have for her children.
If we can find our true self, and that true love surfaces and embrace you. You will meet the right person who will be your soul mate, life partner, etc... It's just how it is supposed to work. We all have to find our selves in this journey of Life. The universe knows what we desire and if it's pure and filled with hope, faith and love, It will bring that one thing we love most to be with us. You can't find true happiness and love from others. It is within you. It is INSIDE OF YOU! Why look outside when you're already complete and perfect inside??? A lot of people run around in the dark and they fail to see the light that's always been there, shining and guiding them.
Love between 2 person can be pure, good and wonderful. It just take one person who's already happy and found love within oneself to meet up with another kindred spirit. Then you'll see the true glow of LOVE. It's a rare gem these days to be able to have this special kind of Happiness and Love. I sincerely wish all of you, in due time; will find such happiness!