Wrap up for Little Red
It happened very sudden! Twas a beautiful sunday and there I was, washing my lil red, soaking myself wet with car shampoo and with Pepsi girl, running amuck darting away from the sprinkles of water that came from the hose, I had this evil thought of dousing her with water and give her a quick shower... Hmm better not, observing my 5 restraints on this Holy Sunday of the 7th lunar Month.
Halfway through the car wash, my mum buzzed, not wanting to do further damage to my worn out blackberry, i wiped my hands dry and the standard greeting of 'hello... how are you Mum?' 'Sorry for not spending time with you today, blah blah blah...." She asked if I was at home, I was and she asked again, if I have washed and cleaned my car.. to which I replied: I am... And she said at around 11 am later, please drive up to the Proton Edar Showroom up the street.... And with that, she hang up. Puzzled and amused that my Mum called and gave this instructions, I just went on with my car wash routine and was about to buff some wax onto red boy, she called again... 'I thought I told you to be at the showroom by 11'... I replied, Ma... I am going to give my car a wax....
She blared loudly, 'Stop the buffing and waxing! Just change and quickly come to the showroom, I am waiting!' Sigh.. Empress has sent royal decree... So Merv here had to change and I drove to the showroom...
And then, as I parked my car along the lot, A middle aged man came up and greeted me, shook his hands..Hello.. I am Mr... XXXX... thich Chinese accent of an Ah Beng with Eng-land so powderful...
I said hello... And he asked if I mind he have a look at my car, I was puzzled but being brought up to be polite to strangers, I gave him my keys and he went to look around, followed closely by some TaiKo look alike mechanic.
Mum beckon me to the showroom, 'Son... Son.. now choose which car you want?' Oh! ohhhhhhh! My mum buying car for me??? Hmmm I must have done some good karma... Buddha be praised!
As I flip through the various catalogues of Proton's line, I decided why not the Inspira? Heheheh so silly billy Merv said, Ma... this one looks good...
She gave me a CB look and said: You think I gonna buy you this car! Hallooooo! You look at this one! And she shoved a Proton Saga FLX catalogue on my face... OK!... so Mum is thinking of buying me a Proton Saga FLX... I looked and looked.. Ok la.. new facelift, Automatic model comes with CVT Transmission.. *I don't like Automatic gears... non performance as compared to Manual shift driven types. Ok Ma! If you buying then I will take the Proton FL.. after all it should be cheaper.. Thanks Maa.. Thanks for buying!
Again, that CB Look on her face, big eyes staring coldly at mine. I NOT BUY for you! U trade your small dingy red thing along with my car and your brother's car and we get 2 cars from Proton. Only SAGA models, NO Inspira, Persona or other kind.. And you have to PAY your installments!
Gee thanks Maaa... what a love gesture! So are you saying that my Lil Red is up for sale? and the money from the sale becomes a deposit for this new car? Aaaah.. smart oso my son! I don't like that tone of voice. So, Have you made up your mind? She asked (as if giving me an order to answer my answer) Yeah... I go for the Proton Saga FL.. no need FLX... waste money coz petrol consumption is hight. Sales man quickly butt in, No No Sir.. Despite its a Proton Saga, due to the CVT transmission, You save heaps for Money for petrol!
With that, I was told (more like FORCED) to let go of Lil Red. And the guy came back and said, ok your car is worth.. XXXXXX amount. U ok to let go? I looked at my mum, YES she said confidently! Wah Lan Neh.. Don't I have a say on this? After all, it's my XIAO HOONG!!!!
And so in the span of 1/2 hour, My Lil Red is SOLD! Yeah! SOLD! I still get to keep Lil Red until the new car arrives. Sigh.... I will miss Lil Red. Now just the matter of loan installment n arrangement, which bank to undertake the sales & purchase agreement and yada yada yada....
Damn! I gonna be CARLESS in a few days! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!