I have recently in the 1st half of the year, learning Yi Jing, 易經 (the law of change). Why I choose to write it as the Law of Change instead of Book of Change as popular culture put it is because it is forever dynamic and evolving, to say it is the book of change is to give poor description of this powerful tool.
I have discovered that Yi Jing is source code, a code that explains a lot of the mysteries of life. From It, you can delve into the secrets and the working of the Nature, the Law or the DAO,道. The Dao is just not about Yin and Yang (陰陽), It's the study of these 2 polarity energy that creates the essence of life and governs the law of the Universe. The philosophy of this tool is complimentary to Buddha Dharma (佛法). If you study in detail and examine the principles behind these 2 system, a lot of similarities are found and they are connected in many ways. Along the journey of discovering this source code and applying it to my life, it definitely has changed my perception of Life and also enhanced my insight on my knowledge of the Dharma.