Date from hell...
Of late, I've also been actively dating... Yeah.. the whole date-a-magick thing. With coffee, tea or movie dates... I had such one last night at the new upclass mamak store in Bangsar. We met on the internet and chatted via YM for a few days before making the decision to meet up for teh tarik. AL's the kind of guy you'd love to bring back for momma to see. . . Judging from his mms pic we exchanged, he's a bright guy with reasonable good looks, and yes Merv has weak knees for young looking guys, so I was feeling a bit off when I met him... Young looking, lean and toned. Gym goer and just finished gym, I just did my meditation class, so I was dressed down with a simple muscle tee and loose track pants, he was in his shorts and tees.
Sat near an obscure corner, we chatted. At the same time, can't help but noticing a table of twinks diagonally from our table, I had a better view of course, so I was for lack of words... 'cuci' my mata to the max.... and trying to do that without his suspicion. So... AL's got smooth skin, fair, small built around 165, 60 kilos. And after our first teh tarik, we ordered local coffee. At the end of our 'date', we ended with six drinks and shared a nasi lemak bungkus. Yes, AL's amusing and interesting... but very chatty... I retract, rather; obscenely talkative, dominant in almost all his conversation, I got the feeling that it's all about him, he this he that... OMG!!! I was as quiet as a mole, The whole night I got to know AL a lot... far more than one should divulge on a typical 1st date, In the course of the 6 drinks, I got to know he's been in a few relationships, loves to nag and impose his views on his partners, very fussy about his hair and his manicures, a bit of a brown noser. . . and then, it happened! His wrist became limp... OMG!!! OMG!!!
So... Looks can truly be deceiving. . . he looked pretty much like other ordinary young guy... and his mannerism was pretty okay in the beginning, at the later part of the date, his true self was revealed and I ended up listening to a naggy young 'aunty' wanna be... I had a bad start during the day, I pulled an inner tissue on the back and it is giving me problems whenever I breathe, and I had some business meeting in the afternoon that I can't reschedule later... the last thing I needed to end the night was a date from hell. . . I got back home with a back ache, an ear ache and a mortified image of a young stud turning to a hideous queen etched in my mind. . . I am not anxious about Sunday's date at Ghey-villion. . .
I was polite, maybe too polite, cos the guy kept calling me..until now, I get a "curtesy" call yearly!
So when u inviting me to your new pad????
Dates from hell! HAHAHA i know what u mean man... you end up feeling like you've just bloody wasted a good chunk of your life on someone who loves to listen to his own voice! aiyoh... pain ah...
So I see that bitching queens aren't your type eh? Luckily I'm not then. Haha.