Torn between...
I am now forced to make a decision, PapaMerv is getting old, forgetful and having bouts of short span memory. Yet, he's still working as he enjoys his work, passionate and he's got a number of contacts that are repeat clients of his. MommaMerv has asked me to help him...
By helping him means I have to be by his side during his meetings and dealings, I have to do his paperwork and keep his schedule. At the same time; learn his skills in his business... It leaves me no time to do my own business with my partner, my good god sister, Viv. I am torn.... I have to take a stand now... sigh... Although with his business I foresee myself doing a lot of traveling abroad and spending hours at the PC, I hope I still have time to practice my Feng Shui and maintain my portfolio....
What do to? Woe is me.....