Right Now Meme...

Incidentally, I didn't cut and paste this image from Nut's blog, It so happened I need to find a suitable picture for this post. So it's the same... Ok, I've been tagged by Nut to write this Meme... So he thinks I like memes.... hmm I'm not sure. Anyways, here it goes:

1) Right now, what's at the top of your "top 25" list on iTunes?
Sakurairo Maukoro - Nakashima Mika. It's a japanese song sung by one of Japan's top female artiste. It's a sad long song about two people who began as friends in childhood years, blossoming to love in teenage years. Then they were forced to part away as they become young adults, what reminds of their love is a Sakura tree, that will bloom every spring, every year. 

(2) Right now, what's the first thing on your "to do" list for today?
Get the contractor to fix the bloody roof. My neighbor has been complaining and he claims my renovation has done some kind of thing that made water to creep in and pour onto his dining room, the fact that he has laminated wooden floor tiles, and plaster ceiling made me even more wary about it. Each time it rains, I think about his roof leakage, NOT MINE!!!!! Just this afternoon, it poured.. and he called again... that got me very annoyed and I had to tell off my designer and contractor....

(3) Right now, what are you thinking about having for your next meal?
It's dinner time.... vegetarian.. since it's the lunar 15th day, I'm a vegetarian till tomorrow... I do this sabbatical every 1st and 15th of chinese lunar months. Hmmm thinking of crisp stir fried vegetables, tofu stuffed with corn and chick peas, shiitake mushrooms stuffed with seaweed paste , steamed baby kailan....

(4) Right now, what other applications are running on your PC as you do this meme?
 a) iTunes - downloading podcasts...
b) Safari - I use safari and sometimes, firefox web browser.... 
c) Apple Mail - to retrieve my emails from gmail, yahoo and hotmail.
d) Pages - Apple's version of Microsoft Word. It's a 'as good as it gets' word processing software and can read and write MS words files.  
e) iCal - to update my filofax
f) Apple widget dashboard - I find this very interesting to toy around while waiting for the page to load... (pending on the speed of WIFI connection at starbucks...)
g) MSN windows live messenger - Enough said about that.....

5) Right now, name 5 people you think will respond to this MeMe if you tagged them?
Erm... I seriously am clueless over this... I guess this meme ends with me.... 

It's dinner time, I'm hungry while waiting this casual discussion to end. I'm at Starbucks, The Curve. The time is now: 8:08 pm.... I can't wait to get off and go for my veggies....


Swee said…
dear big merv! Miss ya... :*
RPMnut said…
How weird is that? Same pic :P
Mervin Lee said…
Hi Carebear... missing u too....
Mervin Lee said…
NUt - sountrack of the TV series 'The Twilight Zone' is playing on my head.... ... ... ...

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