Deprived cravings...

The Sunday Star (Dec 10th 2006) revealed an issue about pornography on the internet. According to the article, Most Internet surfers who visited sexually suggestive content from the internet are from the cities of Kota Baru and Kuantan. And, with the recent dress code ruling of the Kota Baru Municipal Council (Majlis Perbandaran Kota Baru or MPKB), it seemed to me that these people are using extreme measures to curb sex crimes. Let's face it, It's not the dress code that would make Men horny. Its their own minds. If these lust craved men can't control their desire, they would probably get their hands on any women, be these women dressed appropriately or not. It's all about their desire and how they take control of it.

It's so sad to hear that at this day and age, Women have to be told how to dress. I for one, thinks this ruling is backward and is not inline with today's standard. I wondered if the men will also one day be told to dress appropriately.


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