Caught with the Singapore Flu...

I was counting the days so I could finally go to the lion city and watch Avenue Q with great company and my pet sis, AL... The bus left exactly at half past 5 on the friday of last week. It was an exciting journey.. I was looking forward to seeing LG, AG, and a few other Singaporean friends... a weekend of Puppet nudity and coarse language, great food and cuci mata....
Halfway at the pit stop, I caught a sneeze, and in an hours time, I was shivering like I was having a hypothermia attack. When we arrived at the Tuas Check in point, I was like a zombie, So said AL.. who was getting very worried over my condition. So in mere 30 minutes, we all arrived at Harbor Front, and we caught a cab and whisked ourselves to Cavenagh Gardens, where LG lives. She opened the door and she was spooked! she thought she saw a demon (me...) and I went straight to the sofa bed, collapsed there and then, and murmured introductions. In minutes, the two girls attended my needs and I was left adrift to sleep...
The next morning, The crickets were making a huge racket and I couldn't stand the whole symphony of it, I woke up and saw a white fluffy thing. Kanasai... LG is having a dog in the apartment, turned out that the white furball is called Snowy and belonged to LG's housemates.  What a cute playful little thing, With adequate sleep ( I hope!) and with that furry thing so active, it definitely brighten the day...

We had lunch at this place called Old Beijing... it's a nice setup... and I had very basic but nutritious brunch. Chicken soup with herbs, and our main course was, Shanghai small dragon buns and noodles, dry based and soup based.

Merv and LG... Looking Good....
Then, it was off to the Esplanade Theatre for the Premiere of ... AVENUE Q.
Side notes: 
It was a simple productions, the set was nice and not too choky, the puppets were all colorful and 'gay'.... the actors were all brilliant and there were rounds of applause throughout the entire play as well as roars of laughter as each act was just so infectiously funny... Highly recommended.....

Come saturday night, I was in a full blown fever. yes... burning like I was a furnace inside. So cancel plans for the dinner and everyone did their part to be with me by having take away chinese food ordered from the . . . INTERNET! Singapore so advance la... you can order TAI CHOW food by just a double click.... so grab your cutlery and double click for FOOD , FOOD, FOOD!...

The girls ordered me soup.. and that, was my dinner... HAIZ....

Sunday morning, the sun just came up, Snowy was looking at me with a peculiar look, Everyone's asleep. Fever broke.. I thank all powers that be.. I'm so much better... I look half human today.. :D LG and her recently became unemployed and room mate: SG took us to this posh beautiful bunglow restaurant, GRAZE at Rochester Park. It's a small hill with 5 bunglows surrounding it. These bunglows were turned to niche restaurants with modern fusion theme and menu. 

At this point, I'm getting lazy to write and I will conjure the pictures to do the talking:

Graze, 4 Rochester Park, Singapore. Nearest MRT Station: Buona Vista

And so, at 3 pm, We left the Merlion and her people. It was raining when we arrived in KL... I'm so happy it has rained again... the long heat wave is finally broke... I slept soundly that night. . . too tired to think of all the events that unfolded over the weekend because of 1 atchoo.... Haiz... Atchooo... Geshundiht! 

(For the record, since I was so ill, AL took these pics.. so CREDITS to AL!!! sorry for not mentioning..)


asd said…
looks like a weekend of good food and experiences with good friends...

wish i was there...
gray-dots said…
I so want to go to Singapore..
too bad don't passport....yet...
Mervin Lee said…
dctw, the immigration department is just a road down away from your work place la.. better apply lor....
Mervin Lee said…
well ASD... if U were there... it would be a whole different experience... hehehehehehehheheheh

missed u babes... how u doing in Rotterdam?
Booker said…
hey Merv... hope you're feeling better by now.

And that Graze place in Singapore looks ABSOLUTELY DIVINE!!!!!!!!!
Mervin Lee said…
Books... if u ever go Spore over the weekend, pls try their sunday breakfast or brunch... with BBQ menu, fresh oysters and a galore of meat of your pickings... and end the sinful gastronomic experience with delicious cupcakes and deserts.... it's to DIE for....

I did... hehehehehehe :D
Anonymous said…
credits, tailo..... now i cant put up the pictures coz you did.... lolz...
Mervin Lee said…
AL - credits mentioned... sorry tai lo didn't put it!!!!

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