Tale of a wedding and a 1 night stand... (part 1)
Friday 6th. It was an unusual day, the sky was blue and the clouds were hiding. It was awfully hot and stuffy, reaching for my filofax, I was looking at my schedule for the day. Lindy and Danny's wedding dinner on Sat 7th. Frangipani later at 10.30 pm. The afternoon, Meet up with Jules and Tracey @ The Curve. Gosh, I had a pack day.
The day started with out any glitches, I was driving to the Curve when I received and sms. It was from a guy I met online @ IRC last year. We chatted online and we called each other, but have never met. He was asking if I was free to meet. I can't as I was going to Frangi later the night. And that was that, The oblivious sms was soon forgotten as I was so excited to meet up with Jules. One of the main reasons was also my sore shoulders, been having bad shoulders since my pillows decided to give up on me. And I thought duck feathered downs will last a lifetime, I was told by the sales assistants at the Metrojaya, MidValley. It has also affected my sleep habits. I'd be in bed by 12 midnight, and up by 7 am. I don't fucking know why!!?! Oh pardon the langua...
So as my mind wondered about Jules, Lindy and Danny's wedding dinner popped in. I was wondering what to wear, Should I go with casual formal, formal or casual? what time should I turn up? Should I be fashionably late like other fellow Malaysians or should I be punctual on the dot? How much should I give for the ang pow? Should it be RM 88 or RM 101 or RM 100?
My mobile phone beeped, Another sms from the guy... "You free 2nite?" it wrote.... That's the last thing I had in mind, was to have hot sweaty sex night with an anonymous guy... I decided not to reply....
So Jules is still Jules, never changed. still the same cute little sister.. and she still hasn't lost her touch... she's still good with her hands (She's a Masseur!). My sore shoulders and finger were quickly relieved by her magical touches and rubs. Tracey as usual, ever happy and crazy... running around, traipsing all over her shop.
Later the evening, I got back home just in time to do some chants and dinner. Dinner was just a tad healthy. Veges, nuts and thai rice, flavored in basil and thyme. While waiting for my friend, Wing to come over I was thinking of the sms, It was an invitation for a sex session. I was dozing off and on, and Wing hasn't called me. When I decided to call him, Gawd! He was in Sunway Mas. So I told him off and he was speeding like a Roadrunner, We were supposed to meet some people for a business meeting on Sat, so I thought we could introduce each other casually before we talk shop...
Arrived Frangipani by 11ish, they have started the cover charge, RM 30 per person! Wah liau!!!!! That's why I think it's better to go early. The place was already a load of activity when we arrived. Checking out the guys whilst looking for my friends and acquaintances. Found them and they're having a ball, the crowd's just got in. And yes, it was a lovely sight. a Melange of young broods, varied colors and creeds, swept by the pulsating beats of house mix and alcoholic cocktails, It was a sight for sore eyes. Well, I've been out of action for a while now. So it was a huge plate of temptation. We talked a bit of business and networked. The crowd's gotten better as the clock ticked away into the wee hours of the morning. Decided I had enough of the camaderie, Back in the car, heading out of KL, halfway at Jalan Tun Razak; an sms came. It was him... He invited me to go to his place for a session...

Decided to go for it, dropped Wing at my place, tucked him to bed (He was the living room guardian!), and drove myself to Ritz Perdana. Arrived there at about 1.45 am. Called the guy, he told me the place, in ten minutes, I was at his front door. My heart was pounding, the pounding echoed through my body and into my mind. Should I or should I not... what the fuck was I doing here in a stranger's place? Should I be cool or not? My head was racing with a multitude of thoughts when he opened the door, Oh Boy!

He was young, tall, and fair Malay guy. Nice eyes, thick luscious eyebrows, sharp features, lean body. Not a bad catch. He invited me in. He handed me a towel and showed me his bathroom, nothing much of a bathroom as his studio flat was small, but then, all studio apartments are small. It was nicely decorated. You'd never thought it was a gay haven. It was all too straight acting, the colors, the decors, the works. For anonymity reasons, I shall call him Mr. B.
As I took off my tee shirt, he silently looked at me with dreamy eyes as he begins to 'undress' me in his mind. We had small talk to break the ice. I asked if he would like to join me for a shower, he smiled and said he's showered and ready for me. While showering, I was thinking how do I react to his gestures and actions. Fuck it! Just do it..... Nike's good old advice. All dried and clean, I joined him in his bed, our eyes met, as I drew closer to him, I smelled his fresh, soapy scent. As we kissed, I find myself lost in his pout, velvety lips, his hands pressing hard against my back holding me tightly, his eyes... oh, those lustful piercing eyes....
I suddenly hear wedding bells.....
The day started with out any glitches, I was driving to the Curve when I received and sms. It was from a guy I met online @ IRC last year. We chatted online and we called each other, but have never met. He was asking if I was free to meet. I can't as I was going to Frangi later the night. And that was that, The oblivious sms was soon forgotten as I was so excited to meet up with Jules. One of the main reasons was also my sore shoulders, been having bad shoulders since my pillows decided to give up on me. And I thought duck feathered downs will last a lifetime, I was told by the sales assistants at the Metrojaya, MidValley. It has also affected my sleep habits. I'd be in bed by 12 midnight, and up by 7 am. I don't fucking know why!!?! Oh pardon the langua...
So as my mind wondered about Jules, Lindy and Danny's wedding dinner popped in. I was wondering what to wear, Should I go with casual formal, formal or casual? what time should I turn up? Should I be fashionably late like other fellow Malaysians or should I be punctual on the dot? How much should I give for the ang pow? Should it be RM 88 or RM 101 or RM 100?
My mobile phone beeped, Another sms from the guy... "You free 2nite?" it wrote.... That's the last thing I had in mind, was to have hot sweaty sex night with an anonymous guy... I decided not to reply....
So Jules is still Jules, never changed. still the same cute little sister.. and she still hasn't lost her touch... she's still good with her hands (She's a Masseur!). My sore shoulders and finger were quickly relieved by her magical touches and rubs. Tracey as usual, ever happy and crazy... running around, traipsing all over her shop.
Later the evening, I got back home just in time to do some chants and dinner. Dinner was just a tad healthy. Veges, nuts and thai rice, flavored in basil and thyme. While waiting for my friend, Wing to come over I was thinking of the sms, It was an invitation for a sex session. I was dozing off and on, and Wing hasn't called me. When I decided to call him, Gawd! He was in Sunway Mas. So I told him off and he was speeding like a Roadrunner, We were supposed to meet some people for a business meeting on Sat, so I thought we could introduce each other casually before we talk shop...
Arrived Frangipani by 11ish, they have started the cover charge, RM 30 per person! Wah liau!!!!! That's why I think it's better to go early. The place was already a load of activity when we arrived. Checking out the guys whilst looking for my friends and acquaintances. Found them and they're having a ball, the crowd's just got in. And yes, it was a lovely sight. a Melange of young broods, varied colors and creeds, swept by the pulsating beats of house mix and alcoholic cocktails, It was a sight for sore eyes. Well, I've been out of action for a while now. So it was a huge plate of temptation. We talked a bit of business and networked. The crowd's gotten better as the clock ticked away into the wee hours of the morning. Decided I had enough of the camaderie, Back in the car, heading out of KL, halfway at Jalan Tun Razak; an sms came. It was him... He invited me to go to his place for a session...
Decided to go for it, dropped Wing at my place, tucked him to bed (He was the living room guardian!), and drove myself to Ritz Perdana. Arrived there at about 1.45 am. Called the guy, he told me the place, in ten minutes, I was at his front door. My heart was pounding, the pounding echoed through my body and into my mind. Should I or should I not... what the fuck was I doing here in a stranger's place? Should I be cool or not? My head was racing with a multitude of thoughts when he opened the door, Oh Boy!
He was young, tall, and fair Malay guy. Nice eyes, thick luscious eyebrows, sharp features, lean body. Not a bad catch. He invited me in. He handed me a towel and showed me his bathroom, nothing much of a bathroom as his studio flat was small, but then, all studio apartments are small. It was nicely decorated. You'd never thought it was a gay haven. It was all too straight acting, the colors, the decors, the works. For anonymity reasons, I shall call him Mr. B.
As I took off my tee shirt, he silently looked at me with dreamy eyes as he begins to 'undress' me in his mind. We had small talk to break the ice. I asked if he would like to join me for a shower, he smiled and said he's showered and ready for me. While showering, I was thinking how do I react to his gestures and actions. Fuck it! Just do it..... Nike's good old advice. All dried and clean, I joined him in his bed, our eyes met, as I drew closer to him, I smelled his fresh, soapy scent. As we kissed, I find myself lost in his pout, velvety lips, his hands pressing hard against my back holding me tightly, his eyes... oh, those lustful piercing eyes....
I suddenly hear wedding bells.....